Plugin Tag: subscribe
(0 total ratings)Add newsletter sign up forms to your WordPress site. Subscribers will be saved directly to your Inbox account. Super easy to set up!
Easy Subscribe
(1 total ratings)Quickly integrate modern, customizable subscription forms into your website to simplify email marketing, increase subscribers, and boost engagement.
Subscribe to Comments Reloaded Better Unsubscribe
(4 total ratings)Unsubscribing from comment notifications is not quick and easy enough in Subscribe to Comments Reloaded. This addon plugin fixes that.
(0 total ratings)Send notification emails of all new posts and new comments to everyone on a list. Great for private blogs.
RUA Blog Subscriber Lite
(6 total ratings)Build your email list! Manage Subscribers from a Dashboard. Custom settings. Notify users of new posts. All without having users create accounts.
Subscribe Google Groups
(1 total ratings)Add widget(s) for subscribing to admin-specified Google Groups
(2 total ratings)This plugin is for add the youtube subscribe button in the widgets of the site. So the User or visiters can subscribe your youtube channel just by one …
FV Feedburner Replacement
(1 total ratings)Creates a landing page for your feed subscription and out of the box working newsletter subscription form.
EnvyChimp – WP Subscriber Plugin
(1 total ratings)EnvyChimp is a newletter plugin that allows a user to subscribe via email address. This plugin has an option for creating multiple design of form with …
(5 total ratings)Allows WordPress users to subscribe to notifications for new posts, pages, and custom types, filterable by taxonomies.
(2 total ratings)Integration with ITERAS, a cloud-based state-of-the-art system for managing subscriptions and payments for magazines.
(0 total ratings)Use a Drag and Drop Form Builder to create Subscription Forms for the EmailSystem email marketing platform.
WooCommerce Subscription Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)Provides shortcodes that you can use to add details about the subscription product where you want them to be.
(3 total ratings)This widget adds a SubToMe button to your blog and allows people to subscribe to your content in one click.
Awesome Youtube Subscribe
(0 total ratings)Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Auto Subscribe Users
(1 total ratings)Automatically subscribe your users, so that they can be notified of any new content on the site.
VerticalResponse Marketing Suite
(1 total ratings)Generate more leads with VerticalResponse’s Contact Form
MailChimp Subscribe Widget
(0 total ratings)Provides a widget that allows people to subscribe to a MailChimp list of your choice.