Kama SpamBlock


Effectively prevent automatic spam when a spam comment is posted with Kama Spamblock, a plugin that operates discreetly and remains completely invisible to users—no captcha codes required. The plugin not only blocks spam comments but also conducts thorough checks on pings and trackbacks to ensure the authenticity of backlinks.

Even if you are using an external comment system like Disqus, installing Kama Spamblock remains valuable. This is because autospam can be posted directly to the ‘wp-comments-post.php’ file, and the plugin serves as a robust defense against such comments.


  • Plugin settings on standard WordPress Settings > Discussion page.

  • Spam alert, when spam comment is detected or if the user has JavaScript disabled in their browser. This alert allows sending the comment once again when it was blocked in any nonstandard cases.


When posting a comment on the site, I received a message, ‘Antispam blocked your comment!’. Is this a normal function of the plugin?

No! The plugin is invisible to users. You should navigate to the ‘Discussion’ settings page in WordPress. At the bottom, you’ll find ‘Kama Spamblock settings.’ Set the correct ID attribute for the comment form submit button there. You can obtain this attribute from the ‘source code’ of your site’s page where the comment form is located. Look for: type="submit" id="??????".


Novambor 23, 2023
Спасибо за плагин. Хорошо работает. Блокирует автоматический спам и пропускает нормальные комментарии.Thanks for the plugin. It works well. Blocks automatic spam and skips normal comments.
Maarec 17, 2021
En: On the themes-wordpress.ru site with zero visitors I have about 700 spam comments for a year of work, which Akismet marked as spam, they had to be opened and cleaned. This is a waste of time. It is better that spam comments do not appear at all. right now I use the kama-spamblock plugin and in a year and a half not a single spam comment! kama-spamblock is a very good plugin! Another advantage is that captcha does not annoys. no need to enter any numbers or click (like in Google recaptcha). Right now I want to repeat your success (take over the idea of captcha) for another CMS. everything is so great. Ru: за полтора года ни одного спамного коментария и капча не раздражает раньше у меня на сайте themes-wordpress.ru с нулевой посещалкой за год работы были штук 700 спамных коментариев, которые Akismet помечал как спамные, их надо было открывать и чистить. Это бессмысленная трата времени. Лучше чтобы спамные коментарии вообще не появлялись. щас я пользуюсь плагином kama-spamblock и за полтора года ни одного спамного коментария! kama-spamblock – очень хороший плагин! Ещё одно преимущество в том что капча не бесит. не требуется вводить никакие цифры или кликать (как в Гугл рекапча). Щас я хочу повторить ваш успех (перенять идею капчи) для другой CMS. настолько всё отлично.
Séptembor 5, 2019
Simple settings, and the result is excellent. Thank!
Mee 7, 2019
Больше года не знаю, что такое спам-комментарии! Имел опыт с большими плагинами спам-коммент. – одни проблемы и заботы: то надо решить спам это или нет, а потом удалить спам. С этим плагинам “Kama SpamBlock” не чего делать не надо – просто нет спамов!!!
Read all 16 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Kama SpamBlock” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Kama SpamBlock” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Kama SpamBlock” into your language.

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  • FIX: XSS vulnerability fixed. Thanks to Wordfence for the report.
  • IMP: Other minor improvements.


  • Minor refactoring.


  • Code refactoring.
  • kama_spamblock__process_comment_types hook added.


  • FIX: WordPress 5.5 support.


  • FIX: bug with unique code comparison.
  • Minor code fixes.


  • CHG: changed sanitize-options-on-save function – sanitize_key() to sanitize_html_class() – it’s not so hard but hard enough…
  • CHG: ‘sanitize_setting’ function call. Seems it doesn’t have back-compat for WordPress versions less than 4.7.


  • FIX: options fix of 1.7.2.


  • CHG: moved translation to translation.wordpress.org.
  • ADD: new ‘unique code’ option.
  • IMP: some code improvements.


  • BUG: Last UP bug fix…


  • CHG: check logic is slightly changed in order to work correctly with page cache plugins.


  • ADD: deleted is_singular check for themes where this check works incorrectly. Now plugin JS is shown on all pages.


  • ADD: JS included from a number of hooks if there is no “wp_footer” hook in the theme.


  • ADD: Russian localization.